Kouga Municipality takes steps towards energy security and climate action

Kouga Local Municipality hosted a workshop for municipal officials to launch their new Climate Change Strategy and participated in a two-day Green Economy Awareness Learning Series workshop, supported by the SA Climate Change Champions, in February 2023 in Cape St. Francis, in the Eastern Cape.

Executive Mayor Horatia Hendricks opened the two-day working session with a keynote addressing, imploring the municipality, industry and guests to be active citizens. In his address, he spoke of the municipality’s plans to address the energy crisis.

He said: “Given the problems caused by prolonged load shedding at high stages, as well as the impact it has on the local infrastructure and economy, Kouga is aiming to be less dependent on electricity generated by Eskom. To achieve this, we will undertake a six-month feasibility study to determine the viability of alternative means of renewable energy and power generation by independent power producers.”

The Green Economy Awareness Learning Series, hosted by the SA Climate Change Champions initiative, provided an introductory framework of South Africa’s energy landscape and an introduction to renewable energy policy, and set the scene for the events discussion about the climate change strategy. The awareness session informed and assisted decision makers about the future of renewable energy policy adoption.

The workshop had group discussions deliberating on different topics, which amongst others included; making sure that all participants were fully capacitated to understand the green economy, addressing South Africa’s energy landscape and reviewing the renewable energy policy and the renewable energy policy wireframe alignment to existing plans (climate change strategy and other policies).

The  workshop included a session that sought to provide input and a way forward for the municipality, including the possible policy framework that addresses barriers, opportunities and potential solutions.

There will be more awareness raising workshops in the Eastern, Western and Northern Cape pertaining to climate change mitigation and renewable energy, as part of the SA Climate Change Champions project.

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